Monday, December 21, 2009

Case in Point......

So in the first few months of owning this Blog, I have already displayed the one major reason for my giving up my URL at I never use the thing. I guess it is a good sign that my personal and home life is so full that I literally barely have any time to check my email most days let alone sit here and wax lyrically about this, that or the next thing. I remember a time when all I wanted (or had) to do was sit on the computer at home and design my latest grand scheme for my website, or write scores of pages of a new chase account, or upload the latest batch of chase photographs......or in even later years sit on my Blog and post my varied (and sometimes colorful) opinions on current events, personal life issues or something else.

None of that has the remotest interest for me any longer. And I am sure that there is no shortage of people out there (although they have probably long ago stopped checking my Blog for new entries) who would point and cry "AHA!" after learning that my interest in chasing has all but burned up and scattered it's dry ashes in the Arkansas breeze. "Aha! I TOLD you she wasn't in it for life!!!" LOL I can hear them now. As if my life is somehow made lesser by the fact that I have lost interest in chasing. Far from it. A husband, a puppy, a home that we own and it's myriad of maintenance projects......all these things make you realize what's important to you. I daresay we may chase on occasion should the opportunity present itself in central Arkansas (I am sure it will), but by and large chasing is something I did a long time ago when I wasn't so concerned with supporting myself and my family and being responsible.

A lot has transpired in 2009......and quite frankly I am ready for a very, very quiescent 2010. Seems like the past three or four years I have been saying the same exact thing. Life isn't getting any less hectic. I come to wonder sometimes if we do it to ourselves. Should we just be saying "no" to a lot more inquiries to our time? Should we be proactively avoiding certain social gatherings and/or situations? How does one manage one's time in a fashion that suits your desire for having plenty of spare time? The truth of the matter is probably that this is a world-over problem, that life itself is getting more hectic, more stressed and more spread-thin. I think in 2010 it will be my resolution to maintain free time and not rush myself.

This evening is a case in point. I work until 5:30PM (that last half hour between 5PM and 5:30PM sure does make 5:30PM feel like midnight when you don't get to leave the office until then), rush home and let puppy out, wolf down some dinner, crate puppy again and then Jason and I head to a local Planning Commission meeting to fight a proposed permit for the owner of the land directly behind our house to use it to build a restaurant there. Crazy busy.

The one thing I do want to do with this Blog is use it to write more memoirs of Scotland. The past couple of posts that I wrote in this genre were very satisfying to not only write but also read - and I would like to expand on that. I am a little barren as far as ideas for subjects for the next one, so I will have to think on that for a while.

Better get going - there's not much happening here.