Sunday, August 30, 2009

Rest in Peace, Little Ones......

This morning, we pronounced our two little Dwarf Puffers as having passed away. Newt (the female) was deathly sick and barely moving, and Bupu (the male) was found already dead. They had been sick for a number of days and not eating since last Wednesday. They were estimated to be somewhere between two and three years old - the maximum life span of a Dwarf Puffer.

We got Newt and Bupu around Thanksgiving 2007. They lived their lives in their own dedicated 10g species tank, and were some of the most interactive and sweet fish we have ever owned. Their diet consisted primarily of daily batches of frozen bloodworms - which they always ate with great gusto up until the last few days. Occasionally, we would treat them with a batch of snails from our local PetSmart......and we would take great delight in watching them tackle the small snails and stalk them. They sure loved their snails back in the day.

We suspect an unfortunate combination of old age and some kind of fungal infection - probably brought about by weakened immune systems due to old age. The tank conditions hadn't changed in years, and no fish had been added to the tank in years. There was zero risk for any disease, and the water quality in the tank was perfect.

Rest in Peace, Newt and will be missed.

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