Sunday, January 31, 2010

Jan. 29th/30th, 2010 Winter Storm - Conway, AR

I have finally had the chance to do a (very) quick and (very) dirty edit on some of my images from the past couple of days. During the night of January 28th, and through the day on the 29th, Arkansas finally saw it's long-awaited winter storm. While it will have broken no records for snow depth, ice accumulation or anything else for that matter - it sure was nice to finally get some frozen precipiation, and to have the weekend off work to allow us to enjoy it.

I guesstimate we received about 4" of snow on top of about .5" of an ice/sleet mixture - I was too lazy to get out in our yard with my ruler and dig around in the icy slush to find out exactly how much accumulation we had but I'm sure LZK's homepage will have it on there somewhere......still, it made for some beautiful shots in the snow and ice, and allowed me to get my feet wet with photograph again which can't be a bad thing.




  1. You have some beautiful photos here, Karen, and an eye for an interesting and different viewing point.

    I have come across here from Captain Dave's blog. Good on you for posting there, and I hope your post is the first of many. We seem to have quite a little community of fans there.

    Best wishes from Australia!

  2. Noella -

    Thank you for the compliments! It actually crossed my mind that I may get hits from Capt. Dave's most excellent Blog - and so last night I figured I'd better buck-up my act and post my planespotting images LOL!

    The winter storms of the central portions of the USA provide a lot of opportunity for interesting photographs - usually because we tend to get struck with a good degree of frozen rain/ice as well as graupel, snow and sleet. I remember one year we had a distinct sleet sandwich - a layer of sleet pellets sandwiched between two layers of ice!

    Glad you're enjoying it and thank you for commenting!

